

Linux网络工具学习之:IP命令学习10 标签(空格分隔): 网络 本文旨在通过IP命令介绍和学习Linux网络的相关知识 1. 概述 2. ip link 3. ip addr 4 ip addrlabel 5 ip route 6 ip rule 7 ip neighbour 8 ip ntable 9 ip tunnel 10 ip tuntap 10.1 概述 TUN/TAP provides packet reception and transmission for user space programs. It can be seen as a simple Point-to-Point or Ethernet device, which, instead of receiving packets from physical media, receives them from user space program and instead of sending packets via physical media writes them to the user space program.


Linux网络工具学习之:IP命令学习11 标签(空格分隔): 网络 本文旨在通过IP命令介绍和学习Linux网络的相关知识 1. 概述 2. ip link 3. ip addr 4 ip addrlabel 5 ip route 6 ip rule 7 ip neighbour 8 ip ntable 9 ip tunnel 10 ip tuntap 11 ip maddr/mroute/mrule 11.1 ip maddress – 多播地址管理 Usage: ip maddr [ add | del ] MULTIADDR dev STRING ip maddr show [ dev STRING ] 11.1.1 ip maddress show 列出多播地址; 缩写:show、list、sh、ls、l 参考: Linux网络编程——多播 参考: 单播、广播和多播地址 [root@10-9-151-160


Linux网络工具学习之:IP命令学习12 标签(空格分隔): 网络 本文旨在通过IP命令介绍和学习Linux网络的相关知识 1. 概述 2. ip link 3. ip addr 4 ip addrlabel 5 ip route 6 ip rule 7 ip neighbour 8 ip ntable 9 ip tunnel 10 ip tuntap 11 ip maddr/mroute/mrule 12 ip monitor 用于连续地监视设备、地址和路由的状态。 Usage: ip monitor [ all | LISTofOBJECTS ] [ FILE ] LISTofOBJECTS := link | address | route | mroute | prefix | neigh | netconf FILE := file FILENAME